Blockbar Weekly Meetup | A blockchain space in The Hague

Please note: BlockBar Special: “The ethical importance and risk of decentralisation” is planned on 14th February 2020. 1 week after this one. Links: Meetup, Blockbar.

We want to stimulate and grow the blockchain community of The Hague. Blockbar is the The Hague based fysical space where you can connect, learn and work on blockchain projects.

📆 AGENDA 2020-02-07

10:00 Walk-in

10:30 – 12:30 Working on your blockchain / decentralized / Web3 related project, course or article.

Often participants give presentations about their work.

12:30 (appx) Lunch time

It’s possible to lunch at The Hague Tech. You can also go to one of the nearby lunch places, like ‘Suri Mix’.

14:00 – 16:30 Working on your blockchain / decentralized / Web3 related project, course or article.

Often participants give presentations about their work.

16:30 we finish working and have some drinks.


Blockbar is located at *The Hague Tech*, the Tech Community in The Hague. It’s a 1 minute walking from train station Laan van NOI. If you are at location, call +31 6 46386 864 if the main entrance is not open. *Blockbar* is on the ground Floor, to your left, at the end of the corridor.

See for walking directions from Laan van NOI.

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